Thursday, February 5, 2009

End Of My First Week

I went to my second weight watchers meeting yesterday. My regular Tuesday night meeting was canceled because of snow. No surprise. I opted to go to the Wednesday night meeting in Hyannis instead. It was a great meeting. It was fun. The other meeting was a bit stuffy.. and older crowd maybe. I may try to keep up with the Wednesday meetings…. Any how, I stood in line and it was my turn at the scale. I took of my shoes and my jacket and stepped up. 166 even. (technically last week was 166.8)
Woo Hoo! I lost .8lb (that’s less then one pound) OK people, that was a little lesson on sarcasm. Less then one pound????!!!??? WTF? I stuck to my plan to the T. I did not cheat. I counted everything. I earned 6 activity points that I never spent. I only used 19 of my 35 weekly bonus points. I upped my intake of water. I used little to no sugar all week.
I was sooo disappointed, I almost cried. I did get teary. She asked questions like, did you exercise at all? Yes I went to the gym 4 times and did at least 30 min of cardio each time.
Ok. Things I need to do this week.
Eat no sweets, even if it’s in my point allowance. (I did have a small piece of fudge and 1 truffle)
Don’t drink quite as much water. 64 oz or more is probably not necessary.
Don’t eat dinner before going to the weigh in and keep liquids down the day of.

I got on my own scale this morning. My numbers are off from WW but that doesn’t really matter. Last week, before my meeting, my scale said I was 170 even. This morning it said 163. Does that make me feel better? Yes it does. Tons. I’m going to have a great week. I’m going to stick to the plan and have an awesome weigh in next Wednesday.

On a side note, my friend who I’m doing this venture with, lost 6 lbs this week. I was sooo happy for her! WTG.

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