Tuesday, February 17, 2009

End of Week Three

I headed back to the Tuesday meeting in Yarmouth. Its way too crowded. I like the Wednesday Hyannis meeting so much better. Anyhow I got up on the scale. I lost 1.2 lbs this week. Ok, well thats a 3 week total of 4.6 lbs.
I wish it was a few pounds more. I figured if I lost 2 lbs a week, it would take 15 weeks to get to my goal. I was sure I could do 2 lbs a week.

Things I did different this week... I started using a fat burner. Just a green tea thing... I figured a little help wont hurt. I think my metabolism needs a jump start.
Again this week, I counted everything. I didn't cheat and I ate up to my points. I used like 9 bonus points.

What I want to do this week..... Eat more. I'm using those bonus points. Maybe if I eat more I'll lose more. Does that work? We'll see.
I'm aiming for 4 lbs next week. :)

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