Thursday, February 12, 2009

End of Week 2

Well I made it through another week. Its getting much easier. I feel like I had a really great week. I went to the gym several times. I earned 14 activity points. (30 min of brisk walking on the treadmill is 2 points) I didn't use any of my 35 bonus points, I cut back on the wine this week and I didn't have any sweets.

I went to the Wed night meeting again. (my Tuesday night meeting was canceled again due to new floors or some crap) This was a busy meeting and one of the leaders was missing so I had to stand in line for a good 15 minutes to get weighed in.

So I get up to the scale, take off the shoes and the heavy jacked and stepped up. oh please oh please let me have taken off at least a few pounds.

She came up with a number but had to use the calculator to figure how much I lost.
I came in at 163.4 Ok thats better then .8. Actually its 2.6lbs. Not so bad.
I wish it had been a bit more but its something at least.

Things I did different this week,
I drank less water. I went to the gym more and did more intense work outs. (for me anyhow)
I cut back the wine and I had no sweets.
I didn't eat before the meeting (I learned that was a big no no last week)
oh and I also learned that once a month, mother nature messing with that final number. That was this weeks weigh in.
I expect next week to be much different.

February 12, 2009
total weight loss: 3.4lbs

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