Friday, January 30, 2009

End of Day 3

Well, I'm almost at the end of day 3. Wow do I have a long way to go.
Yesterday was a much better day then the day before. I had to go to work. I work 3 1/2 hours a day, some days during the week but not all, in a kitchen of all places. I was worried about being around all that food. We're pretty much aloud to eat what and when we want.
I went in armed with a can of 0 point soup and the plan that I would have salad with it.
My friend I mention is a previous post, was there and she had lunch all planned out for us.
She made no point veggie soup. She had 2 separate servings for each of us. She also made us Yummy turkey sandwiches on really good light rye WW bread, lettuce, tomato, onion and pickles. I was the best 4 point sandwich I ever had.
I didn't eat everything at once. I spaced it out over 1 1/2 hours which worked really well for me.
I didn't get to the gym this day. I had 2 sick kids... thats a good excuse to skip the gym right?

Today was a great day. I was only a little hungry at one point during today. I had a low point, filling breakfast. A salad before going to the gym then a turkey sandwich (not as good as yesterdays sandwich) but still only 4 points. I made an awesome no point veggie soup with salsa and had a great dinner that used only 8 points.
I'm so full. I love it. I also have 7 points left to boot. Wooo hoo. Maybe I'll have an ice cream tonight or wine... yeah... wine.
I feel like I'm off to a great start. I've been drinking lots of water and I've added some fiber into my diet too.
We'll see how I get through the weekend and super-bowl Sunday. I may have to stay barricaded in my room!

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