Wednesday, January 28, 2009

My First Meeting.

So last night, I went to my first meeting. I was excited about going. After all, it is a night out of the house. The meeting went well. I didn't know what to expect. People were friendly and I felt at ease. (I even met up with an old friend from high school who sort of took me under her wing)
My friend I spoke of in my last post was there too but she got there late!

I filled out my initial paper work and made my way to the scale. It didn't bother me to get on the scale, after all, I'll never see that number again so its all good. I had gotten on my scale at home before I went to the meeting. I wanted to get an idea of how my numbers are to theirs.

My number is in, 166.8lbs. Could be worse I guess, but I have my work cut out for me.

I learned all about counting points and all that good stuff I need to know.
I went home even more excited about starting my new way of life the next morning.

OMG I'm starving! All I can think about is food.
I didn't start my day today with my normal oatmeal. way too many points. I'll have nothing left by dinner time. So I stated with a scrambled egg with green and red peppers. (woo hoo, I got in a veggie)It was really good, but in less then 2 hours I was starving. Guess I'll have lunch.
I had a 2 point lunch. It was pretty filling too. but by 2pm it was time to eat again. I had a nice big salad with oil and vinagar... Have to get in that oil. Now here it is, coming up on dinner and I am famished. I also only have 14 points left. Looks like I'm going to bed hungry.
oh oh....I went to the gym today. Thats 2 more points I'm going to have to eat today.
Its all good, I'll just have to manage a bit different tomorrow. Maybe spend the points in the am to have a fuller belly. oh well. I'll get the hang of it....I have to.
I made 3 goals. 156lbs 146lbs 136lbs. I can go that.
I think I will update this blog every week after my meeting. Let you know whats up and how the week went.
till then.... bye.

15" upper arm, 38 1/2" waist, 42" Hips, 24 1/2" thigh.
I don't mind sharing this, These numbers will go down!

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