Thursday, March 26, 2009

8 weeks

Holy cow. I've stuck with this for 8 weeks. For me, thats amazing. I've never wanted anything so much... to be a healthy weight, and to look good in a bathing suite doesn't hurt either.

This week, I've been very lax on points. I count..and keep track in my head. I almost always do all my points on the WW web site. I love that web site.... but I haven't done points on it in the past 3 days. I pretty much eat the same things everyday. Well different, but same point value. I also never use all my weekly bonus points.. so if I go over in a day, its no biggie. I also never used my activity points. I try but its just way too much eating.

So I went to my meeting this week. I know its only an hour, but I love to get out and be around these woman... and men. I think there were only 11 of last night... its a great meeting.
so anyhow. I got weighed... down 2.2lbs this week. That is a great week for me. Thats my second highest weekly loss.
At this point, i think I'm going to start thinking about stopping WW. I think I've learned how to eat. I know how to move more... and I still want it. I just don't want to keep paying for it.
I guess at this point, I just need to keep doing what I'm doing. I'll chip away at it and hope not to plateau. That would suck. I know its going to happen.
I"m 1/3 of the way done, or even a little better then that. I'm at a total of 11.6 lbs lost and want to get to 30. I'm also only 5 lbs away from my 10% goal.

So this is me at the end of 8 weeks:
down 2.2 from last week with a total of 11.6 lost.
measurements to come soon!

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