Thursday, March 12, 2009

6 week mark

I really though after 6 weeks, I'd be a little further along. Last weeks 4.2lb wight loss gave me the incentive to do better.
I really am doing everything I can to do the right thing. I've been keeping up with the gym. I get there 4 times a week, but I've been trying for 5 days. I've also been kicking ass on the step machine. Climbing 163 floors in an hour is exciting for me. A real sense of accomplishment and can't wait to do it again but do it better next time.

I went to the Wednesday, Hyannis meeting again. Actually I switched to this meeting on a permanent basis. Last night there were only 13 of us including the 2 leaders.
It was a pretty uneventful week. I lost .6 of a pound. Anything is better then gaining. I did go out to dinner the night before. Although I ate really well and I know I didn't go over my points... i think it was just enough. I also ate shrimp and rice a little over an hour before weigh in. That was probably a no no too but I was hungry. :)
I'm very close o my 5% goal. I just need to lose .8 and I'll be at that 5%. I guess thats something. I'm really hoping for another bid number week like last week but we'll see.

so, this is me,
end of week 6 and I've lost 8 lbs even.

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