Thursday, February 26, 2009

End of week 4

So here I am, thinking I had this great week. I only used a few bonus points and never went over my daily points at all. I also went to the gym and has a few activity points (that I never spend)

The only thing I had a problem with was Saturday night. A bunch of us went out and I had a little too much wine. OOPS. I counted them into my points and still didn't go over my bonus points. Surprisingly.

I had a great day prior to the weigh-in. You know how once in a great while, you have a skinny day. I was having this kind of day. I ate great this day. I went to the gym and had a great workout. When I got dressed to go to the meeting I felt great.

I get to the meeting and step up on the scale. She started writing in my book but didn't say anything. Then I saw what she was writing. 1.4 oh! OK. that OK. Then I saw the +. WHAT I GAINED 1.4 lbs. How the hell did that happen.

ugh. pisses me off. ruined my entire night. I got home and was ready to pig out. This stupid diet. I stay strict. I don't cheat and I gain weight. this sucks!!!!

I had a chat with a leader. We tried to figure out why I gained.

She asked, " are you getting exercise?" umm . yeah. I do and hour of cardio 4 times a week, or more.

She asked, " are you eating all your activity points?" ummm. eating my points? am I supposed to be? No I'm not doing that.

She asked, " are you eating all your bonus points?" I'm thinking... well I drink some of them lol... but seriously, no i never eat all my bonus points.

So this is what I need to do. I need to eat more.

I have a hard time getting through my head that you need to eat more to lose more. I was never very good in math, but that doesn't add up to me.

So things to do different this week....

less wine. (did I say that last week?)

more food. I need to spend more points.

things to keep doing.... the gym. keep up with the gym. maybe do more to.

so this is me.. at the end of week 4
163.6 lbs
3.2lbs down.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

End of Week Three

I headed back to the Tuesday meeting in Yarmouth. Its way too crowded. I like the Wednesday Hyannis meeting so much better. Anyhow I got up on the scale. I lost 1.2 lbs this week. Ok, well thats a 3 week total of 4.6 lbs.
I wish it was a few pounds more. I figured if I lost 2 lbs a week, it would take 15 weeks to get to my goal. I was sure I could do 2 lbs a week.

Things I did different this week... I started using a fat burner. Just a green tea thing... I figured a little help wont hurt. I think my metabolism needs a jump start.
Again this week, I counted everything. I didn't cheat and I ate up to my points. I used like 9 bonus points.

What I want to do this week..... Eat more. I'm using those bonus points. Maybe if I eat more I'll lose more. Does that work? We'll see.
I'm aiming for 4 lbs next week. :)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

End of Week 2

Well I made it through another week. Its getting much easier. I feel like I had a really great week. I went to the gym several times. I earned 14 activity points. (30 min of brisk walking on the treadmill is 2 points) I didn't use any of my 35 bonus points, I cut back on the wine this week and I didn't have any sweets.

I went to the Wed night meeting again. (my Tuesday night meeting was canceled again due to new floors or some crap) This was a busy meeting and one of the leaders was missing so I had to stand in line for a good 15 minutes to get weighed in.

So I get up to the scale, take off the shoes and the heavy jacked and stepped up. oh please oh please let me have taken off at least a few pounds.

She came up with a number but had to use the calculator to figure how much I lost.
I came in at 163.4 Ok thats better then .8. Actually its 2.6lbs. Not so bad.
I wish it had been a bit more but its something at least.

Things I did different this week,
I drank less water. I went to the gym more and did more intense work outs. (for me anyhow)
I cut back the wine and I had no sweets.
I didn't eat before the meeting (I learned that was a big no no last week)
oh and I also learned that once a month, mother nature messing with that final number. That was this weeks weigh in.
I expect next week to be much different.

February 12, 2009
total weight loss: 3.4lbs

Thursday, February 5, 2009

End Of My First Week

I went to my second weight watchers meeting yesterday. My regular Tuesday night meeting was canceled because of snow. No surprise. I opted to go to the Wednesday night meeting in Hyannis instead. It was a great meeting. It was fun. The other meeting was a bit stuffy.. and older crowd maybe. I may try to keep up with the Wednesday meetings…. Any how, I stood in line and it was my turn at the scale. I took of my shoes and my jacket and stepped up. 166 even. (technically last week was 166.8)
Woo Hoo! I lost .8lb (that’s less then one pound) OK people, that was a little lesson on sarcasm. Less then one pound????!!!??? WTF? I stuck to my plan to the T. I did not cheat. I counted everything. I earned 6 activity points that I never spent. I only used 19 of my 35 weekly bonus points. I upped my intake of water. I used little to no sugar all week.
I was sooo disappointed, I almost cried. I did get teary. She asked questions like, did you exercise at all? Yes I went to the gym 4 times and did at least 30 min of cardio each time.
Ok. Things I need to do this week.
Eat no sweets, even if it’s in my point allowance. (I did have a small piece of fudge and 1 truffle)
Don’t drink quite as much water. 64 oz or more is probably not necessary.
Don’t eat dinner before going to the weigh in and keep liquids down the day of.

I got on my own scale this morning. My numbers are off from WW but that doesn’t really matter. Last week, before my meeting, my scale said I was 170 even. This morning it said 163. Does that make me feel better? Yes it does. Tons. I’m going to have a great week. I’m going to stick to the plan and have an awesome weigh in next Wednesday.

On a side note, my friend who I’m doing this venture with, lost 6 lbs this week. I was sooo happy for her! WTG.