Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Good to be back.

Wow its been a long time since I've been here and wow has things changes for me. I'll try for the fast forward version.
Shortly after that last post in 2009 my complete life took a 180. I stopped going to weight watchers. honestly, I just couldn't afford it anymore. I kept that weight off for a long time but then about a year later... it started to creep back on. Around Feb of 2010 I went back to WW meetings. I was doing pretty good for about 6 month... but then stopped going again. I of course went back up. By February of 2012 I was back up to a disgusting 170.8 lbs.  That was it.... I was going back. WW had started the new Points Plus program, so this will be like a brand new WW for me. I remember my mind set back, just a year ago. I want this, I can do this, I want this too much, I can do it. I loved the new program. I decided to join the programs with meetings, however I never went to them. I just went to Friday morning "open hours" for weigh in.
I measured. I weighed my food. I counted every bite that went into my mouth. I never cheated and held my self responsible for everything I ate. By the end of July I had lost 21.2 lbs. I was 149.6. I earned every lb. but then I got cocky, I stopped counting. I wasn't going for weigh ins and it was time to cancel...yet again. Now I know the program works. I'm living proof of that but when you pay every month (and way too much, may I add) and are not doing the program anymore, its time to stop. August 10, 2012 I'm at 145 even. That's the lowest I've been in years... since well before my 2nd child in 1999.
Things change. I lost my job. Although I found another with in a month, it was a desk job. I wasn't on my feet all day like before, running around. Sep, Oct, Nov... December..... so now its January 2013 and that wonderful 25 lbs I worked so hard to loose last year had found its way back. Not quite all of it but most of it. .... so guess what time it is?

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