Friday, January 30, 2009

End of Day 3

Well, I'm almost at the end of day 3. Wow do I have a long way to go.
Yesterday was a much better day then the day before. I had to go to work. I work 3 1/2 hours a day, some days during the week but not all, in a kitchen of all places. I was worried about being around all that food. We're pretty much aloud to eat what and when we want.
I went in armed with a can of 0 point soup and the plan that I would have salad with it.
My friend I mention is a previous post, was there and she had lunch all planned out for us.
She made no point veggie soup. She had 2 separate servings for each of us. She also made us Yummy turkey sandwiches on really good light rye WW bread, lettuce, tomato, onion and pickles. I was the best 4 point sandwich I ever had.
I didn't eat everything at once. I spaced it out over 1 1/2 hours which worked really well for me.
I didn't get to the gym this day. I had 2 sick kids... thats a good excuse to skip the gym right?

Today was a great day. I was only a little hungry at one point during today. I had a low point, filling breakfast. A salad before going to the gym then a turkey sandwich (not as good as yesterdays sandwich) but still only 4 points. I made an awesome no point veggie soup with salsa and had a great dinner that used only 8 points.
I'm so full. I love it. I also have 7 points left to boot. Wooo hoo. Maybe I'll have an ice cream tonight or wine... yeah... wine.
I feel like I'm off to a great start. I've been drinking lots of water and I've added some fiber into my diet too.
We'll see how I get through the weekend and super-bowl Sunday. I may have to stay barricaded in my room!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

My First Meeting.

So last night, I went to my first meeting. I was excited about going. After all, it is a night out of the house. The meeting went well. I didn't know what to expect. People were friendly and I felt at ease. (I even met up with an old friend from high school who sort of took me under her wing)
My friend I spoke of in my last post was there too but she got there late!

I filled out my initial paper work and made my way to the scale. It didn't bother me to get on the scale, after all, I'll never see that number again so its all good. I had gotten on my scale at home before I went to the meeting. I wanted to get an idea of how my numbers are to theirs.

My number is in, 166.8lbs. Could be worse I guess, but I have my work cut out for me.

I learned all about counting points and all that good stuff I need to know.
I went home even more excited about starting my new way of life the next morning.

OMG I'm starving! All I can think about is food.
I didn't start my day today with my normal oatmeal. way too many points. I'll have nothing left by dinner time. So I stated with a scrambled egg with green and red peppers. (woo hoo, I got in a veggie)It was really good, but in less then 2 hours I was starving. Guess I'll have lunch.
I had a 2 point lunch. It was pretty filling too. but by 2pm it was time to eat again. I had a nice big salad with oil and vinagar... Have to get in that oil. Now here it is, coming up on dinner and I am famished. I also only have 14 points left. Looks like I'm going to bed hungry.
oh oh....I went to the gym today. Thats 2 more points I'm going to have to eat today.
Its all good, I'll just have to manage a bit different tomorrow. Maybe spend the points in the am to have a fuller belly. oh well. I'll get the hang of it....I have to.
I made 3 goals. 156lbs 146lbs 136lbs. I can go that.
I think I will update this blog every week after my meeting. Let you know whats up and how the week went.
till then.... bye.

15" upper arm, 38 1/2" waist, 42" Hips, 24 1/2" thigh.
I don't mind sharing this, These numbers will go down!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Thinking of Change

I've been smoking off and on for about 18 years. I quite every time I was pregnant with my kids, but always picked it back up again. 4 1/2 months ago I quit for good. I was able to quit cold turkey. It was really no big deal. I decided I didn't want to be a smoker anymore. I just stopped.

I've never been much into weighing myself. I didn't even own a scale.

Then I noticed my clothes weren't fitting like they used to. Every thing was getting tighter. I don't think I'm eating any different then I was when I was a smoker. I really wasn't doing anything different, except gaining weight. I'm sure there is something in cigarettes that kept me from gaining any weight.

So I went out and bought a scale. I knew I usually hung around the 147-150 mark. The next morning when I was about to get into the shower, I got on my new scale. 158! Crap. I knew I was gaining, but for the 2 months since I quit smoking.... 8 pounds was too much. Well now here comes Thanksgiving, Christmas and the new year. I was getting on the scale maybe once a week. Watching the numbers climb and climb.

I've been going to the gym once or twice a week. I'm still not eating any more then I ever do, but I hate these numbers.

Today I decided was the day to make a change. Just like the day I decided to quit smoking, today is the day I lose these pound I don't want anymore.

I'm going to try weight watchers.

A friend of mine was talking about joining. I got in touch with her and we decided that we'd start next week. Its not like I'm just putting it off, I need to start at a meeting. There is a meeting next Tuesday night. So looks like my new way of life starts on Wednesday.

I'm not sure how I will like counting points. Actually it sounds like a pain in the ass. I guess its a small price to pay for living at a healthy weight.

I guess I should take a before picture. ICK. The thought of that is horrible but I'll do it. I don't think I'll post it just yet though.

So for the record, today is Thursday January 22, 2009 and I weigh 168lbs