Thursday, April 9, 2009

10th Week

What a great week. I knew I had a great week last night when I was changing. I caught myself in the mirror and was like, oh... ok.... :)

I went to the 8:30am meeting in Hyannis this morning. It was a little weird. You get used to the same people at your own meeting. So to be at a meeting that you don't know anyone... a bit scary for me... but then again, this is the new me.

I get on the scale. Down 3.8lbs. Holy crap. I was stoked. That is huge. I knew I would get a good number, but I wasn't expecting THAT number.

This put me over 15 lbs total loss. I got another 5lb gold star sticker. Yey!!
I'm soo close to my 10% too. I should be able to do that this week and hit it on Wednesdays meeting. 15 lbs is also my 1/2 way point. WOO HOOO... I'm 1/2 way to my goal. Fabulous.

so this is me after 10 weeks:
151.4 lbs
3.8lbs this week
15.4 total weight loss.

9th week

This was a very uneventful week. I'm writing this blog a week later because it was that uneventful. I stayed the same as far as my weigh in. NO loss but no gain. It was also my bad week. Ladies you know what I mean.... every 4 weeks... it really messes with the scale.